social media icons

Adding Social Sharing Icons to Your Website

If you’re a business or website owner, you know the importance of having a strong social presence. Social sharing icons allow you to connect with current and potential customers and followers, so it’s essential to have them. This article will walk through the steps of adding social sharing icons to your website.

Understanding Social Sharing Icons

Social sharing icons are small graphical icons that link visitors of your website or blog to social sharing services. They enable readers to share a website or blog post with their followers or friends, providing the opportunity to increase your website’s reach. These icons not only present you with an opportunity to grow your audience and potentially increase your website’s traffic, but also be used as a clever marketing tool when placed in the proper spots.

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Why Include Social Sharing Icons on Your Website?

Including social sharing icons on your website provides an easy way for your readers to share content from your website. With an increase in website visits and readership, you’ll have more opportunities for user engagement and conversions, leading to the possibility for more sales and leads. Not only that, but the more people sharing your content on social media, the higher your website’s visibility will be and, in turn, its ranking in search engines.

Choosing the Appropriate Icons

When selecting social sharing icons, it’s important to remember that different platforms have different sizes and layouts, so your icons will appear differently on different websites. Be sure to pick icons that are visually attractive and consistent with the rest of your website’s design. Also, keep in mind that you don’t need to include all of the social media sharing platforms available, only choose the ones that best suit your business’s specific purposes.

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Assessing Your Website’s Design

In order for the social sharing icons to complement the look and feel of your website, you should assess your website’s design first. Consider the color palette, layout, and other design elements, such as fonts and textures, that you currently have. Choose social sharing icons that have the same style as the rest of your website, and make sure they’ll fit into the space you have available.

Establish Your Brand Identity

For brands with well-recognized logos, it can be advantageous to have custom social sharing icons made that include the company’s branding. Once you’ve created the icons, use them for all of your website’s social sharing options, even if the services featured are not owned by you. Be sure to use high-quality images to ensure that the icons look good when they’re shared.

Selecting a Social Sharing Tool

The social sharing tool you select will depend largely on the type of website you have, as well as the choices available in the different tools. Before you begin the process of adding social sharing icons, consider the features you’ll need from the tool, such as the ability to track shares and customize the icons.

Installing Icons Onto Your Website

Once you’ve chosen the tool and designed the icons, it’s time to install them onto your website. Depending on the type of website or platform you have, the process can be different, so be sure to follow the instructions outlined in the tool. If you’re having trouble, don’t be afraid to reach out to a web developer or tech support to help.

Testing the Functionality of the Icons

Once the icons are in place, make sure they are working properly by testing them out yourself. Try clicking on each one to ensure that it’s linking to the appropriate page, as well as make sure it’s sharing the right content. If something isn’t working, go through the steps again and double-check your work.

Monitoring Performance of Icons

Track the performance of the social sharing icons to make sure they are doing their job. Keep an eye on your website’s analytics to make sure you’re seeing an increase in visitors, as well as look at the social media sites for which the icons are for to make sure your content is being shared.

Maximizing Visibility for the Icons

Use tools such as heatmaps and A/B testing to determine the best place to put your icons. Make sure they’re placed in the spots that get the most attention and can be seen easily. Also, consider adding a call-to-action button to your website to remind visitors to share your content.

Adding social sharing icons to your website is a smart way to increase your website’s visibility and provide users with an easy way to share your content. Following these tips and utilizing the right tools can give you the boost you need to reach a larger audience and build your brand.

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